KBC Securities Services provides the infrastructure to run global brokerage and custody operations. We offer this full value chain to institutional clients, wealth managers, asset managers, private bankers and family offices. The primary goal of KBC Securities Services is to support financial institutions in their current and future challenges in the domain of securities services. In order to delight our customers, we offer an unparalleled knowledge, highly skilled staff and the essential means to be the market leading, open, modular insourcing platform company with standard business processes, end-to-end architecture and supporting services. KBC Securities Services has 3 cornerstones in its offering: Brokerage and Custody, Wealth Management and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO).
Brokerage and Custody
We make securities services less complex, more efficient and more cost effective. Whether you want to stay local or go global, you need a trusted partner who understands your challenges and will exceed your expectations. Our brokerage and custody model offers you an end-to-end solution for flawless securities processing by industry-experts. We cover the entire value chain of securities transactions, including brokerage, clearing, settlement and custody services on a real-time platform.
Flawless execution
We deliver a secure but flexible solution for your straight-through processing of global execution-to-settlement activities. You can rely on the timely and accurate execution of your trades on 48 markets worldwide for a wide range of products.

Automation is key
Efficient and cost-effective settlement is our goal, regardless of the number of markets or products you offer to your clients. Straight-through processing is now the standard for our highly automated platform and tight cut-off times. Leave the follow-up to our highly skilled team of experts and get real-time reporting at every stage of the operational chain. Our Securities Services Online (SSO) tool provides online access to your portfolio, settlement and cash.
Local for global
We know our home markets inside out. They are our core focus. We offer you a global reach with local expertise. We play a leading role in industry working groups. You can rely on our knowledge of local market practices, our access to market authorities and our understanding of regulatory and market changes. Our global custody covers over 48 markets. To give you a seamless experience every step of the way, we select and monitor our partners and providers by following a strict due diligence process.