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We constantly invest in the technology that securely gives our clients the information they need when and where they need it. We have the right tools developed in-house or by our leading partners to meet the needs of our evolving client base and offer the necessary support.

Neon is a user-friendly online portfolio tool for Wealth Managers and their end-clients. The tool can be used on any device and offers quick access to:

  • Overview (cash & securities)
  • Positions
  • Transactions
  • Allocation
  • Distribution
  • Performance
  • Cost transparency
  • Portfolio or consolidated view
  • Downloadable client report

Log on in Neon using the multi-factor authentication:

  • itsme® for users with a Belgian registration number
  • Microsoft Azure for users who do not have a Belgian registration number. Contact your asset manager to activate your access.

Need more info on how to log on in Neon? Have a look at our manual for more details.


Login with itsme®
Login with Microsoft Azure

What’s itsme®?

itsme® is a free app for your smartphone that allows you to log in, register, sign and pay quickly and securely when using all kinds of apps and online services. You no longer need a card reader and all your different passwords.
With itsme® on your phone, all you have to do is enter the PIN you have chosen to log in securely, no matter where you are.